Thursday, May 19, 2016

Sign Up Today!

We are getting very close to locking down our official location in the 
Downtown Newnan, Geogria Square! 
We are currently taking sign ups for the 2016-2017 dance year! 
Be sure to email or call us to make sure you're one of the first 25 to receive a FREE dance class!

Monday, May 16, 2016

A Master Class with Debbie Allen

I would like to personally apologize for the slight hiatus that has happened. Life has happened over the last couple of days and there have not been any recent posts! However, I am coming back and may have a few things coming up that I think everyone will be excited about!

Yesterday, I had the honor of being able to take a master class from the Miss Debbie Allen here in Atlanta. For many years this has been a dream of mine because she is one of the greats in the world of dance. For those of you who do not know who she is, she was in the original screen play of Fame. Many of you may have seen the newer version, well there is an original and she is in it! You may also know her as Dr. Katherine Avery from Grey's Anatomy.

When taking any master class, especially from someone you have not taken before it is important to try your best even if you're unsure of what you may be learning. In my experience yesterday (Sunday, May 15) taking from Debbie Allen was a great experience. For example, many teachers whether they are in their 20s or almost 70s they often only explain the movements but do not demonstrate them. However, something that truly inspired and amazed me was the fact that Debbie Allen, being almost 68 years old, she demonstrated every combination and piece of choreography she taught. During one of the combinations, she made the comment, "I'm getting lower in my plie than you guys are. I am 67 years old, almost 68 and you people are young. Get lower than that, if I can do it you can do it." Now, some of us might read this and think she was being critical, however she was not being critical, she was being slightly comedic but also using constructive criticism to make us better dancers.

After taking class from her, I became inspired to always be a teacher than demonstrates the combination or piece of choreography because I felt more inspired as a student. Being a teacher is a wonderful thing because you are able to share your knowledge with your students. However, I had the opportunity to be a student yesterday and took advantage of it. A piece of advice I would like to share with teachers and students, is never stop learning. Any time you have the opportunity to be a student once again, take it, especially if it is an opportunity to take from someone with as many years in dance like Debbie Allen has. The experience being able to learn from someone with such dance experience was amazing, I learned things I had learned years ago, but I also learned things that I had not known before.

Thank you to Debbie Allen for a great experience and master class. It was an honor to be able to take from you and I cannot wait to have another chance and give my students the same opportunity.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Taking the Stage

As many of you may have seen recently on our Facebook page or remember some of our posts previously, I told you about how we were heading to an upcoming competition! You may have also seen our recent post of our press release from the Showstopper Dance Competition. Today, I wanted to tell you about what it was like to take the stage after 3 years of taking a break from competing and performing.

Over the last 3 years, I have taken a break from competing and performing in general. I have primarily been teaching, learning, and staying behind the scenes and away from center stage. These last 3 years gave me many moments I had longed to be back on the stage. About 4-5 months ago, I started working with Aris, one of my students that I had worked with when he first started dancing. At the beginning of our rehearsals together, we had discussed for him to compete at the Showstopper Dance Competition or another competition if the timing lined up properly with our schedules. During one of our rehearsals he asked me how long it had actually been since I had performed or competed. When I told him it had been 3 years, he told me he refused to compete unless I did as well. Now, to elaborate on the refusal you need to know a background story.

3 years ago, during the last hip hop group dance I had taught, I promised them I would take them to a competition someday and I would compete with them. Unfortunately, the money and timing never aligned properly and we didn't get to compete. Well, not knowing 3 years later I would be working with one of my first kids, I had completely forgotten about this promise. So, after not competing or performing for 3 years I was reminded of my 3 year old promise and was held accountable for it. Not only did I compete a solo, I also competed with Aris in a duet. The day my solo was to be performed was like any other traditional competition day, you arrive and the adrenaline of seeing the stage, the lights, the costumes, and other talented students begins to course through your veins and excite you unlike any other place can.

The morning of April 30th, I walked into my first competition setting in 3 years. Believe me, the feeling I described above doesn't even compare to the way I felt when I saw the stage I'd be performing on. My first thought looking at this familiar and favorite setting was, "Hello old friend! It's good to be back!" That night, as I was stretching and preparing to perform in only a few minutes, I was nervous, excited, and reminiscing on my previous competitions and performances! As I was standing backstage, on deck, waiting for the number before mine to be completed, I couldn't wait to step on that stage.

As soon as I stepped on that stage, I felt the floor beneath me, the pirouette shoes on my feet, my huge, sparkling competition earrings in my ears, my hair slicked back and braided as tight as my mom could get it, and finally the warmth of the bright lights, and I knew I was at home and in an element unlike anything else on that stage again. The music started and like always I thought, don't forget the dance! The music continued and I continued to flow through the choreography with it and felt a feeling of true expression, relaxation, and love for dance that I haven't felt in 3 years. For me, it wasn't about competing against anyone else, it was about being able to perform again, show my love and passion for dance, and compete against myself and the dancer I used to be. When I started dancing and competing at Raskin Dance Studio, I was told something that I will never forget.

"When you perform, compete, or just take as if it's the last time you will ever dance."
-Miss Val (Valerie Raskin)

Since the day I had heard that statement from Miss Val, I have continued to remind myself of it every time I dance and I now tell my students the same thing. For those of you that dance, I urge you to always remember to dance as if it's your last time. It will not only make you a better dancer, but the love and passion you have for dance will grow and progress even further in that moment than you could ever imagine. The next time you compete, perform, or take class, please take this quote to heart and leave feedback for us to read about how you felt in that moment!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

On behalf of myself and Soles On Fire Dance Academy, we would like to say Happy Mother's Day to all of the amazing moms out there that make our lives so much better each and everyday! A huge thank you definitely goes out to all of the amazing dance moms that help all of us dancers at every class, rehearsal, and performance! We love you all and appreciate you more than words can say!

 I personally want to thank my mom for years of driving me to and from class, rehearsal, and performances, without you I wouldn't be where I am today!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Showstopper Dance Competition Press Release

Over the weekend, from April 29-May 1, 2016 we competed at the Showstopper Dance Competition in Lakeland, FL. Below we have posted our Press Release from the weekend! Thank you to everyone who followed our journey this weekend and came out to support us! We'll see you at one of the National Finals!

What's In Our Competition Case?

Recently, we announced that we would be competing at the Showstopper Dance Competition this past weekend! Well, our weekend was a major success and we enjoyed every second of it! I posted a little bit about one type of preparation, eating. This time, I'd like to tell you what's in our competition cases this past weekend!

To start off, I personally like to carry 2 cases, one full on makeup, hair, and other beauty products, and the other full of minor medical supplies and other miscellaneous items that could be useful throughout the competition weekend. I'll begin by telling you about our makeup, hair, and beauty case. When going to a competition, everyone is always in need of bobbi pins and ponytail holders (hair ties). You always want to bring more of these than you will need. Not only for yourself, but for those on your team in case someone forgets theirs. Another thing that is great, clear non-tangle rubber bands! There are times that bobbi pins aren't strong enough and a ponytail holder is too thick. That's where the clear rubber bands come in, not only will they disappear in your hair, they are usually the perfect size to do the job! We also like to carry, a comb, brush, and a pick (large tooth comb) just in case. Hairspray, hairspray, and guess what, MORE HAIRSPRAY!! You can never have enough hairspray, you definitely need to make sure you pin down all the wispy hairs and flyaway hairs before you go on stage, and hairspray is your best friend for the job! Many people have asked which type I prefer to use, personally I have always loved the Bed Head Strong Hairspray, usually you can find it at either Walmart, Publix, or your local hair salon! It is an amazing brand, not only does it hold everything in place, it doesn't flake like a lot of them do! Makeup is always essential to any competition! If you've ever competed with a team or watched any type of dance performance, you'll notice that everyone always has a uniformed look, not only with the costume, but also with their makeup! Before your next performance or competition, make sure you have the proper makeup that your coach, choreographer, or studio owner asked for! You also want to remember, mascara, eyeliner, bronzer, foundation, and blush! When it comes to eyeliner, I personally prefer to use liquid for my top eyeliner, this is very beneficial for those moments when you start to sweat. Not only will liquid look more fluid and natural on your eyelid, it will also stay put and you won't have eyeliner in the creases of your eyelids. If you choreographer or coach asks for false eyelashes, be sure to bring them! Always pack 2 pair, this is for that just in case moment that someone forgets theirs or you lose one on stage. Many people will go to major beauty stores for their false eyelashes, however I prefer to buy mine at CVS. In my opinion, while they are cheaper, they are also better quality!

Now, I would like to tell you about my "medical" and miscellaneous case! When at a competition, you don't always know what you'll need. For example, I like to bring multiple things that could come in handy! To start off, I always pack waterproof/sweat proof bandaids, Neosporin, and waterproof/sweat proof medical tape! In case you're wondering, I like to pack the medical tape for multiple reasons, sometimes bandaids don't always stay put, therefore the tape helps to hold them down a little bit better. Some other things I like to bring consist of, a small sewing kit for any random holes that may need to be stitched, double sided fashion tape, chargers, blister preventing wax, ace bandages, kinesiology tape, ibuprofen for both adults and children, and plenty of Biofreeze (a similar product to IcyHot or Bengay)!

Next time you go to a competition or another form of performance, make sure to check out a perfect list to refer to that will help you pack your bags! On our home page you'll find our Pinterest Icon that will take you directly to our Soles On Fire Dance Academy Pinterest page where you'll be able to find this list and other great tips for dance! I've also posted a link below that will take you directly to this great list!

Click on this link below to go directly to our favorite competition packing list: